6 Puzzles on Cheaters (Including Solutions

6 Puzzles on Cheaters (Including Solutions

Are you ready to put your detective skills to the test? Below are six riddles that explore scenarios of betrayal and deceit. Each riddle holds a clue, but only the sharpest minds will figure them out. Remember, the answers are at the end — but try not to peek until you’ve given them your best shot!

Riddles can be like mysteries, leading you down a path where things aren’t always as they seem. The riddles below focus on scenarios where infidelity plays a central role, testing your ability to uncover the truth hidden beneath layers of deception.

Ready to see if you can solve them? Let’s dive in!

Riddle #1
Mad Ade, a world-renowned kebab gourmet, had suspected for a while that his wife, Mrs. Mad Ade, was being unfaithful, though he had no solid proof. One day, Mrs. Mad Ade mentioned she was going to the movies and would be out for a few hours.–Advertisment–

As she headed to the door, Mad Ade watched her thoughtfully, then resumed enjoying his kebab. Three hours later, his wife returned, took off her coat, and asked Mad Ade if he wanted some coffee.

When she came back from the kitchen, Mad Ade asked her to sit down because he wanted to talk. “Mrs. Mad Ade,” he said, “I want a divorce because I know you’re having an affair.”

Can you figure out how he knew?

Riddle #2
A man is cheating with another man’s wife. The husband comes home, finds the suspected cheater, knocks him unconscious, and throws him out the window. In his rage, he also tosses a fridge on top of him. In heaven, two men meet God because they both died.

One is the man who was thrown out the window. Who is the second man, and how did he die?

Riddle #3
In a New York apartment complex, there are one hundred married couples. Whenever a husband cheats on his wife with one of the other wives, the wife remains unaware.

However, the rest of the wives know about the affair. If a wife discovers that her husband is cheating, she kills him the next morning. An anonymous email is sent to all the wives, revealing that at least one man in the building is cheating.

How many husbands will be killed, and how long will it take?

Riddle #4
Robin arrived home from work earlier than usual. His wife and son greeted him at the door. While his wife went to the kitchen to prepare dinner, his young son whispered, “Dad, why did a strange man come here today?”

Confused, Robin asked his wife, “Dear, who was the man that came over?”

She replied, “Oh, a pipe burst in the bathroom, so I called a plumber.”

Robin then walked into the bedroom and realized that his wife was cheating on him. How did he know?

Riddle #5
A man noticed that his wife had been coming home late from work frequently, claiming she was putting in extra hours to secure a promotion. Feeling suspicious, he decided to test her.

One evening, when she returned home, he handed her a pen he had found in her car and said, “I found this in your glove compartment. It looks like something from the office.”

She looked at the pen and said, “Oh, that’s not mine; it must belong to one of my coworkers.”

The husband smiled, knowing she was lying and had been with someone else. What was the pen, and how did he know?

Riddle #6
One evening, a husband came home and noticed that his wife’s car wasn’t in the driveway. Later, she told him she had spent the entire day at home cleaning. The house was spotless, but the husband immediately knew she was lying and had been out with someone else. How did he know?

Time to Check Your Results!
Now it’s time to see how well you did! Whether you solved all the riddles or found yourself stumped by a few, the answers are here to help you out. Ready to see if your deductions were correct? Here are the answers:

1. Mad Ade noticed a run in Mrs. Mad Ade’s stocking on her left leg when she left. When she returned from the kitchen, the run was on her right leg, indicating she had put her stockings on the wrong way after taking them off.

It was a sign she had changed her clothes, likely at someone else’s place.

2. The second man in heaven is the one who was cheating with the husband’s wife and hiding inside the fridge. The angry husband, unaware of who he was, threw the fridge out the window, killing the man inside.

3. All of the cheating husbands will eventually be killed, and it will take exactly as many nights as there are cheating husbands for their wives to figure it out.

If there is only one cheating husband, his wife will know it’s him because she hasn’t heard of any other cheaters. She will kill him the next morning. If there are two cheating husbands, each wife will wait one night, expecting the first cheater to be killed.

When this doesn’t happen, they realize their husbands are also cheating, and both will be killed on the second morning. This process takes (n-1) nights, where n is the number of cheating husbands.

4. Robin realized his wife was cheating when he noticed a handprint on the inside of the bedroom window and tools left behind. These clues indicated that the man had been in the house, likely pretending to be a plumber.

However, the handprint on the window suggested that the man had hastily fled through the window when Robin arrived home earlier than expected. These signs revealed that the so-called plumber was actually his wife’s lover, who had been caught off guard and had to make a quick escape to avoid being discovered.

5. The pen was engraved with the name of a luxury hotel chain. The husband knew his wife had never attended any work-related meetings at such a hotel, so it was clear she had been there for other reasons, confirming his suspicions of an affair.

6. The husband knew she was lying because the car was missing, but the vacuum cleaner was still in the trunk after she took it to be repaired. If she had been home cleaning, she would have needed the vacuum, but it was still in the car.

How did you do? Whether you cracked all the riddles or found yourself puzzled by a few, we hope you enjoyed the mental exercise. Riddles like these are great for sharpening your mind and are even more fun when shared with friends.

Want to test someone else’s deduction skills? Share this article and see who among your friends can solve all the riddles!

If you’re still in the mood to challenge your brain, we’ve got more for you!

10+ Riddles That Look Easy – Until You Try to Crack Them
Here are 21 riddles that seem simple at first glance but might just have you scratching your head. Remember, the answers await you at the end – but no peeking! Grab a pen and paper, and let’s see how many you can solve!

Riddles have a way of playing tricks on our minds, leading us down one path only to surprise us with an unexpected answer. From tricky wordplay to clever math puzzles, these riddles will test your logic and creativity. Ready to uncover the answers hidden in plain sight? Let’s get started!

Riddle #1
A woman has seven children. If half of them are boys, how can that be possible?

Riddle #2
When can three grown men, a woman, two boys, and a dog all fit under the same umbrella and still stay completely dry?

Riddle #3
Lily is a hairdresser with an unusual preference: she would rather give two blondes a haircut than one brunette. Why does she feel this way?

Riddle #4
A father is currently four times as old as his son. In twenty years, the father will be only twice as old as his son. How old are the father and son now?

Riddle #5
Jack, Jill, and Jane went for a walk. Jack walked twice the distance that Jill did, and Jill walked half the distance that Jane did. Together, they walked 18 miles. How far did each person walk?

Riddle # 6
You have two hourglasses: one measures seven minutes and the other four minutes. How can you measure exactly nine minutes using only these hourglasses?

Riddle #7
Three friends shared a pizza. The first friend ate half, the second ate a third, and the third ate a sixth. How much pizza is left?

Riddle #8
Sarah, Jake, and Emma are siblings. Sarah is twice as old as Jake, and Jake is three years older than Emma. If Sarah is twelve years old, how old is Emma?

Riddle #9
You have a five-gallon jug and a three-gallon jug. How can you measure exactly four gallons of water using only these two jugs?

Riddle #10
Consider a three-digit number where the second digit is four times the third digit, and the first digit is three less than the second digit. What is the number?


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