My Coworker Wants My Husband to Drive Her to Work While I’m on Maternity Leave – and That’s Not Even the Craziest Part

What started as a routine favor for my coworker Emily quickly escalated into a dramatic conflict when she took advantage of my kindness. As tensions escalated and boundaries were crossed, my husband and I were forced to take a stand to protect our family and find peace.

My name is Katie, and my life has been a whirlwind lately. Between moving in with my husband, Mark, and preparing for our first baby, things have been busy.

A pregnant couple sitting by the window and playing with their cat | Source: Pexels

A pregnant couple sitting by the window and playing with their cat | Source: Pexels

Mark is my rock; he is steady, kind, and a bit of a people person. We have been together for a few years and married for about a year. While we are excited about our growing family, the adjustments have been overwhelming at times.

One of the constants in my life, oddly enough, was my co-worker, Emily. For the past year, I’d been driving her to work. At first, it wasn’t a problem: she lived three minutes from my old apartment.

Katie drives her colleague Emily to work | Source: Midjourney

Katie drives her colleague Emily to work | Source: Midjourney

Even after I moved in with Mark, I continued to drive her because, well, it seemed like the right thing to do. It wasn’t too much trouble and she didn’t have anyone else to help her.

But now things were different. I was about to go on maternity leave, and Emily was panicking about finding a way to get to work. She didn’t know how to drive, and the nearest driving school was a two-hour drive away. With no family to help her, she had no choice.

A pregnant woman holding her baby bump | Source: Pexels

A pregnant woman holding her baby bump | Source: Pexels

One day, after another frantic discussion about her predicament, she looked at me with pleading eyes. “Katie, I don’t know what I’m going to do. Can’t you help me?”

I shook my head sympathetically. “Emily, I wish I could. But driving you to work while I’m on maternity leave is just not possible. Pushing a newborn out at 6am? No way.”

A few weeks ago, she had a new idea. “You should ask Mark to drive me,” she suggested.

A worried Emily talks to Katie about her problem | Source: Midjourney

A worried Emily talks to Katie about her problem | Source: Midjourney

I almost laughed at his audacity. “No, Emily, I won’t ask him that. We have to be at work at 6:30, and he starts at 7:30. We live 15 minutes away from you, and our job is 20 minutes from his. This is not possible.”

She tried to joke. “It’s his fault you’re on maternity leave. He’s the one who got you pregnant!”

I didn’t find it funny. “Emily, this isn’t a question of fault. It’s just not practical.”

Emily looks upset | Source: Midjourney

Emily looks upset | Source: Midjourney

She was visibly upset that I didn’t even want to ask her. “I wouldn’t have taken this job if I knew we wouldn’t be able to carpool anymore,” she reminded me, making me feel guilty about how I’d helped her get the job in the first place.

And then, on the first morning of my maternity leave, there was a knock at the door at 5:45. I got up groaning, hoping against hope that it wasn’t who I thought it was. But sure enough, Emily was standing there, a desperate look on her face.

“Please, can you ask him?” she begged me.

Katie is shocked when she opens the door | Source: Midjourney

Katie is shocked when she opens the door | Source: Midjourney

I let out a deep sigh. “Emily, we’ve already talked about this. I can’t ask her to do that.”

Before I could close the door, Mark appeared behind me, rubbing his eyes. “What’s going on?”

Emily jumped at the chance. “Mark, can you please drive me to work while Katie is on maternity leave? I have no one else to ask.”

I glanced at Mark, hoping he would understand. He hesitated, his handyman nature showing through. “Well, I guess I could…”

Katie watches Emily try to convince Mark to help her | Source: Midjourney

Katie watches Emily try to convince Mark to help her | Source: Midjourney

“No, Mark,” I interrupted firmly. “You can’t. You need to rest too, I need your help with the baby, and it’s not fair to put this on you.”

Emily’s face hardened. “I see. Well, thanks for everything.”

She turned on her heel and stormed off. I felt a pang of guilt, but also relief. Maybe now she would finally understand.

But the problem was far from over. Emily was persistent, and I knew this wouldn’t be the last I’d hear from her. I could feel the tension rising, and I wondered how far she would go to get what she wanted.

Emily looks like she desperately needs help | Source: Midjourney

Emily looks like she desperately needs help | Source: Midjourney

A few days passed, and my maternity leave had just started. Adjusting to the new rhythm of life with a newborn was both exhausting and exhilarating.

That morning, I got up early to get formula while Mark stayed home with our baby.

I dragged myself to the front door, my eyes still heavy with sleep. But when I opened it, my heart sank. Our car was gone. Panic immediately gripped me. I ran inside, frantically calling the police. “Our car has been stolen!” I exclaimed, my voice shaking.

A woman talking on the phone while looking out the window | Source: Pexels

A woman talking on the phone while looking out the window | Source: Pexels

Mark came rushing in, the baby in his arms. “What’s going on?” he asked, concern written all over his face.

“Our car… it’s gone,” I stammered, my mind racing with fear and confusion.

As the officers took down the details, a familiar image rolled into the driveway: our car, with Emily and a man inside. I felt a mixture of relief and anger rise inside me.

Police officers in front of a house | Source: Pexels

Police officers in front of a house | Source: Pexels

Emily stepped out, her expression a mix of satisfaction and indifference. “He’s my boyfriend. He drives me to work. You didn’t give me a ride, so I guess I can at least use your car.”

I was stunned, words failing me as the audacity of her actions dawned on me. Emily had apparently seen where we had hidden the spare keys and decided to help herself.

“You… you took our car?” I finally managed to say, my voice shaking with disbelief.

A woman peers out of a car window while holding keys | Source: Pexels

A woman peers out of a car window while holding keys | Source: Pexels

Mark approached the door, holding the baby, his face a mask of worry. The police officers turned to me, asking if they should arrest Emily and her boyfriend. For the first time, panic showed on Emily’s face.

“No,” Mark said firmly, surprising me and the officers. I tried to protest, but Mark held up his hand. “Let them go.”

The police left, leaving us in an awkward silence.

Emily, who knew Mark’s pleasant nature and always tried to take advantage of it, said, “I’m glad you agreed with the car story. I knew you’d understand, Mr. Help Them All!”

Mark tells Emily to stay away from his family and home | Source: Midjourney

Mark tells Emily to stay away from his family and home | Source: Midjourney

Mark’s expression hardened and he took a step forward. “Listen carefully, Emily. I never want you near my wife, my baby, or our home again. You’ve crossed a line we can’t ignore.”

Emily’s smug look disappeared. She glanced at her boyfriend, then at Mark. “Fine,” she mumbled, her bravado fading. They left without another word, and I felt a wave of relief wash over me.

That evening, after the initial shock had worn off, Mark and I sat down to discuss what had happened.

Mark and Katie talk about what happened | Source: Midjourney

Mark and Katie talk about what happened | Source: Midjourney

“I can’t believe she took our car without asking,” I said, still incredulous.

Mark sighed. “I know. It’s unbelievable. But we need to focus on securing our home now. We’ll change the locks and find a better place for the spare keys. We won’t let anyone take advantage of us anymore.”

Mark also suggested installing a security system and letting our neighbors know what happened, just in case Emily tries something again.

A couple with their baby | Source: Pexels

A couple with their baby | Source: Pexels

The next morning, he called a locksmith while I stayed inside with the baby. As the locksmith worked, we could hear our baby cooing and gurgling from the living room. It was a comforting sound, reminding us why we were doing all this.

“Thanks for being so strong,” I said to Mark as we watched the locksmith finish his job. “I know it wasn’t easy to face Emily like that.”

Mark smiled as he shook my hand. “We will always do what is best for our family. No one comes between us.”

A few days later, while I was feeding the baby, my phone rang. It was a message from Emily: “Sorry about everything. I won’t bother you again.”

Close-up of a woman checking her messages on her smartphone | Source: Pexels

Close-up of a woman checking her messages on her smartphone | Source: Pexels

I stared at the screen, not sure what to feel. Part of me was relieved, but another part was still angry.

“Should I reply?” I asked Mark, showing him the message.

He looked at him for a moment, then shook his head. “There’s no need. Let’s move on.”

A woman with a baby looks at her husband who is using a laptop | Source: Freepik

A woman with a baby looks at her husband who is using a laptop | Source: Freepik

I agreed. Emily was in the past now, and we needed to focus on a brighter future. With the locks changed and the security system in place, our home felt like a safe haven again.

A few weeks later, as we settled into our new routine, I couldn’t help but think about how much we had grown as a family. The experience with Emily had tested us, but it had also made us stronger.

A man kisses his wife on the forehead | Source: Pexels

A man kisses his wife on the forehead | Source: Pexels

One night, as we sat on the couch with our baby asleep in Mark’s arms, I felt a sense of peace. “We’re going to get through this, right?” I asked, leaning on Mark’s shoulder.

He kissed my forehead. “Of course. We’re stronger than ever.”

I nodded, grateful for his support and steadfastness. And with that, I knew we could handle whatever life threw at us. We were there for each other, and that was all we needed.

Mark and Katie share a hug | Source: Midjourney

Mark and Katie share a hug | Source: Midjourney

If you liked this story, here’s another one you might like: Susan, a 61-year-old housekeeper, was humiliated by a co-worker, Mark, who maliciously knocked over her mop bucket and belittled her. After HR dismissed her complaints, Susan and her husband Jack took matters into their own hands, reporting Mark’s abusive behavior and demanding justice.

This work is inspired by real events and persons, but has been fictionalized for creative purposes. Names, characters, and details have been changed to protect privacy and enhance the narrative. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, or to real events is purely coincidental and is not intended by the author.

The author and publisher make no claims as to the accuracy of events or portrayal of characters and are not responsible for any misinterpretations. This story is provided “as is” and the opinions expressed are those of the characters and do not reflect the views of the author or publisher.

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